Pre-arrival Tasks
Want to learn more about what to expect prior to your start at HubSpot?
Prior to your first day:
You'll receive an email from Workday, our People system, where we maintain all your information. This is where you'll complete your onboarding tasks, except for the Right to Work Check which will be sent to your email. When you log in to Workday, you'll have pending items in your inbox. If you are having any difficulty logging in to Workday, please email
- It is vital you apply for a Social Security number at the earliest opportunity. Without a social security number, you cannot be processed on the payroll system.
- To apply for a Social Security Number, you need to complete a TA1 form that needs to be signed by the employee and the employer and is only available in Spanish. This can be done online before you move to Spain and there is plenty of guidance available on this process, for example here.
NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero, or Foreigner’s Identification Number)
- This is the personal and unique tax identification number which is used to track all financial and legal activities in Spain, this is a required number.
- If you do not yet have a tax number, we require proof of application and a scanned copy of your passport to be uploaded in Workday before you can be processed on the payroll.
- We require you to input "X9999999X" for the moment under the NIE Number in Workday. As soon as you have one issued, please come back and edit this to show the correct ID.
- You have three months from when you arrive in Spain to obtain your tax number.
- **Please note this 3 month window is not applicable in October, November or December as we cannot complete our Year End submission without an NIE Number**
- There is guidance online on how to apply for an NIE number, for example here and here.
If you're a non-resident, you will require an IDC (Informe de Datos de Cotización) form to request an NIE and this can be requested by our Payroll Vendor via raising a HelpSpot ticket (or email if you have not started yet). Please mention your start date for the Payroll Team to prioritize accordingly.
Bank Account
- Payroll can facilitate salary payments to non Spanish EURO / SEPA bank accounts as a temporary measure while you open a local account. If you would like your salary to be paid to a non Spanish account please Submit a Ticket (or email if you have not started yet) outlining the country where your bank account is located.
Payroll is processed on a monthly basis. To receive your first payment the month you are starting, you must complete certain Workday tasks at least 2 weeks prior to the first date of the month you are starting.
It is vital that you complete all of your Workday Tasks or you cannot be processed on the payroll.
If you have an questions please reach out to payroll as guided below,
- Prior to your start date please email
- After your start date please raise a ticket on HelpSpot.
2 weeks prior to your start date, you will be required to complete the onboarding tasks in Workday in order for HubSpot to register you as an employee with the social security office:
- Social Security number - without this HubSpot cannot pay you. You input this number as part of your 'Edit Government ID' Workday Task. This is a 12 digit number and the first 2 digits correspond to the province.
- Tax identification number - (DNI for Spanish Nationals or NIE for Non Spanish Nationals). You input this number as part of your 'Edit Government ID' Workday Task. Once you have completed this onboarding task you cannot go back to it so please ensure you input all of the required information before you complete this step
The NIE Number is always 9 digits and in the format X1234567Y (1 letter, 7 Numbers, 1 letter)
The DNI Number is always 9 digits and in the format 12345678X (8 letters followed by 1 number) - If you don't have a Spanish TAX ID yet, please:
- Just input "X9999999X" for the moment under the NIE Number. As soon as you have one issued, please come back and edit this to show the correct ID.
-We also require please that you upload in Workday a proof that you have applied for your NIE Number and a scanned copy of your passport while acquiring an NIE Number (you have 3 months to provide this NIE number).**
**Please note this 3 month window is not applicable in October, November or December as we cannot complete our Year End submission without an NIE Number** - Date of Birth
- Academic Qualifications - level of highest qualification
- Spanish Telephone Number - optional but recommended
As part of your Workday tasks in order for us to process you on the payroll you will need to enter the following information ideally as soon as possible, and no later than one week before your start date:
- Spanish Address - Please ensure you provide a Spanish address via Workday, if you are new to Spain and hold only a temporary address, please provide this and when you receive your permanent address please amend the details in Workday. (Note: Address entries in Workday requires the layout to be as Address line 1, Address line 2, Address line 3 etc. DO NOT enter your full address in one field)
- Form 145 - Please provide a completed and signed Form 145 via your onboarding tasks. Please note that electronic signatures are acceptable. Please note, Section 1, 6 & 7 are mandatory while sections 1 - 5 depend on personal circumstances.
Please see some additional guidance on Section 1 below:
Section 1 - Option 1 - Single, widowed, divorced, or legally separated with children under 18 or disabled that live exclusively with one parent. If an employee marks this option, they must fill in part 2 with children’s year of birth, and mark box “cómputo por entero” if applicable.
Section 1 - Option 2 - Married and not legally separated, provided spouse doesn’t earn over 1,500 EUR per year
Section 1 - Option 3 - Anything else - Bank Details - Payroll can facilitate salary payments to non Spanish EURO / SEPA bank accounts as a temporary measure while you open a local account. If you are a New Hire and would like your salary to be paid to a non Spanish account, or if you are a Transfer from another HubSpot entity and you would like to input Spanish bank details, please Submit a Ticket (or email if you have not started yet) outlining the country where your bank account is located.
- Residency - Please indicate whether you have been a resident, or plan to be a resident in Spain for more than 183 days
- Tax Rate - If an employee enters the company during the tax year, does the employee wish to apply a higher tax rate than the obligatory retention (applying the rate that would be applicable as if he had been with the company for the full tax year).
It is more relevant to new hires who are coming into HubSpot from a different company in Spain, to avoid a higher tax payment at end of year on annual tax return.
Please note that this is a personal tax question and we cannot advise you on how to answer this. - Gender - for legal reasons you can only select either Male or Female in this field
- Citizenship - If you have dual citizenship then please use the most relevant one, i.e. Citizenship that does not require you to have a Visa
- Beneficiary Details - If you have children please input their details as beneficiaries in the Benefit section of Workday including their date of birth, this is a requirement in Spain.
In line with local regulations, we ask all of our new hires in Spain to upload work authorization documents to a right-to-work check software called GoVerify, operated by our external vendor Deloitte.
The GoVerify tool is a digital right-to-work check that provides you with a step-by-step guide to confirming your work authorization. Please keep a lookout for an email from GoVerify over the coming days, kick-starting your right-to-work check.
You'll have the opportunity to participate in HubSpot's medical/dental insurance and life insurance coverage. The Benefits Team will reach out to you on or after your start date with details. You'll have 30 days from your start date to decide if you'd like to enrol yourself and your eligible dependents. You'll be auromatically enrolled in the life insurance policy.
Please reach out to with any other questions.
Do you have questions for our team?
We are here to help and would love to hear from you! Click the button below to chat with our incredible onboarding team.